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2016-02-28 13:33

ACIM på svenska

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Det är numera inget problem alls att läsa En Kurs I Mirakler för den är ju översatt till vårat språk dock ett språkbruk vårdat i renhet och helighet. Verkligen underbart att det blev gjort och här nedan följer historien om detta men först de länkar som tar dig till ett inköp av boken eller rättare böckerna.

2016-02-28 13:33

EN KURS I MIRAKLER Swedish Hardcover Edition Swedish Translation Team Leader: Gunnila Freudenthal Gunnila FreudenthalI was born in 1933 and grew up in Kalmar, a small town in the south-east of Sweden. During my years in upper secondary school, among other subjects I specialized in Latin and three foreign languages: English, French and German. After I graduated, I attended a business school in Stockholm during 1953-54. For the next three years, I worked as a secretary with Natur and Kultur, a publishing house in Stockholm until I got I married in 1957, when we moved to Spain. For the next five years, I worked as a secretary in Spain and in England until our first child was born. During those years, I also taught Swedish to English businessmen and to Swedish children living in England. After our second child was born, we returned to Sweden in 1964, where we remained for four years. During those years, I earned my Bachelor of Arts degree from Stockholm University (1968), where I won honors in English and presented my thesis on “An Evaluation of a Swedish Translation of An English Novel.” That year we returned to England for five years. Although busy with our children, I found the time to study pedagogy at Lund University and sociology and psychology at Birmingham University. Those studies were interrupted by a four-year visit to Mexico, where my Spanish flourished. Finally and for good, we returned to Sweden in 1977, where I worked as a qualified language teacher for twenty years, teaching English and Spanish to students in upper secondary school. In the 1980’s, in furtherance of my fascination with English, I attended summer courses at Oxford in writing and at Oriel College in business communication. Unknowingly, my university degree, my secretarial education, my profession as a teacher and my sixteen years spent abroad in English and Spanish-speaking countries had been preparing me for one of the greatest challenges of my life: translating A Course in Miracles into Swedish. In 1997 when I was informed that I had been selected as the official translator of the Course in Swedish, I decided to resign from my job as a teacher to devote all my time to the work. Although it took me seven years to complete the translation, the Course was always a constant source of joy and peace, and also of comfort in times of grief. The Course gave my life a new meaning. I am very grateful to all those people who have helped me in various ways. Many of them became close friends. I hope our work will give others the possibility of reading and understanding the Course and benefit from its deep wisdom. Visit the Swedish website for A Course in Miracles at: DET ÄR UPPENBART ATT MIRAKELKURSEN.ORG HAR BLIVIT HACKAD OCH ÖVERTAGEN AV ASIATISKA BLOGGARE…? Se andra länkar

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