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1/9/17, 8:19 AM

Ett Nytt Budskap

Kära diskutanter, läsare och deltagare, jag ber er om ursäkt. Många månader har gått sedan jag först stiftade bekantskap med Marshall Vian Summers och hans website The New Message. Ett oerhört viktigt arbete och budskap som sprids genom internet som en relation och en skola och träning.

Jag trodde att jag hade informerat om detta redan men jag ser att det inte har blivit av förrän nu. Varför är detta viktigt? Det är sant att vi kommit in i en ny tidsålder som förändrar de andliga principerna och villkoren för vår existens på planeten Jorden som Guds barn. Vi måste släppa det gamla och ta till oss en större, djupare och bredare förståelse om vilka vi själva är och det görs genom en större, djupare och bredare förståelse om vem och vad Gud är.

The New Message är en meditativ väg till att själsligt transformera egot och öppna upp till kontakt med det högre självets Kunskap. Vi som Guds barn har fått ansvaret att närma oss och lära känna Den Universella Skaparen genom hans Kunskap given till oss i detta årtusende genom Budbäraren Marshall Vian Summers.

Detta är så offentligt det kan vara…baserat från södra USA sprids det som en löpeld över hela världsvida vebben efter trettio år av kontemplation och mottagande av visdomen från Änglamakterna. 

Detta är på riktigt vänner. Högsta andliga sanning och nivå.

Nedan citerar jag och visar videofilm.

1/9/17, 8:21 AM

Welcome to the New Message from God. Remarkably, across time and a long and perhaps mysterious journey in life, you have arrived here. You have found the New Message from God or perhaps it has found you. It is no accident that this is so.

God has spoken again. There is a New Message from God in the world. This is the miracle of God’s love and communication for humanity unfolding in our time, and you are amongst the first to know about this.

The New Message from God is an original communication from God to all people in the world. This is a gift of communication and revelation for people of all nations and faiths, given now to a literate world of global communication and growing global awareness.

The New Message is not for one tribe, one nation or one faith group alone. It is God’s communication to the whole world.

1/9/17, 8:24 AM

The New Message is not for one tribe, one nation or one faith group alone. It is God’s communication to the whole world.

This communication has the power to ignite the spiritual heart of humanity, to sound God’s calling for unity amongst the world’s nations and religions and to prepare humanity for a radically changing world and for its destiny in a larger universe of intelligent life.

The New Message was delivered over a period of more than 34 years to the man Marshall Vian Summers. He has walked a long and arduous journey to receive God’s New Message and bring it to you and to all who can receive it. He is a humble man, sent into the world for this purpose, to be the Messenger for the New Message from God.

Why You?

Why have you arrived here? Why have you found the New Message from God? It may seem like a mystery or a mere random chance. But in fact there is a reason you have found the New Message at this time.

For God is calling across the world for many people to awaken and to prepare for a new and greater life – a life of purpose, relationship and contribution to a world in need. God and the Angelic Assembly are calling for many people to discover their higher purpose and to serve humanity now and in the difficult times ahead.

Are you one of these people? Do you feel that your life has a greater purpose and destiny beyond your mundane circumstances? Do you feel there are others you must find whose purpose and destiny are connected to yours? Do you sense that the world is heading towards a difficult future and that you must find out what this means and how you can prepare?

If so, then your discovery of the New Message may be a rendezvous with destiny. For the New Message provides an answer to these questions and so much more.

The New Message provides a clear pathway for developing Knowledge, the deeper intelligence that lives within you, which alone can reveal your higher purpose and destined relationships in the world.

Why Now?

Remarkably, you live at a great turning point in human history. This is a time of unprecedented change, challenge and opportunity facing people everywhere.

Never before has the risk of war, religious conflict, catastrophic climate change and human suffering been more dire. And yet at no other time has the opportunity for world unity and global cooperation been greater.

No matter where you were born, how you were raised or what your current circumstances are, you are a part of this defining chapter in history. The New Message teaches that we have each chosen to enter the world at this time to serve and contribute to a struggling humanity, to keep alive the spiritual fire at the heart of humanity, and bring the gift of grace and wisdom from our Ancient Home to serve the world as it faces its greatest trials. Consider for yourself: is this why you are here?

The decades ahead will determine the destiny of humanity. It is the actions and decisions of every person both now and in the years ahead that will determine the fate and future of the human family. In the years ahead, humanity will choose either a new way forward of unity and cooperation or a future of permanent conflict and decline. It is because we stand at this great threshold that God has spoken again.

Why a New Message?

The New Message from God has come because of four fundamental crises now emerging in the world:

  1. Great Waves of environmental, social and economic change and upheaval are now converging upon humanity, bringing with them the risk of war and human suffering on a scale never seen before. Humanity has created a global calamity that has the power to change the world as we have known it. For this we are unprepared. Through the New Message, God is providing a new way forward for humanity and a pathway of inner and outer preparation that each person can undertake.
  2. Humanity is emerging into a Greater Community of intelligent life in the universe. Contact has begun by those who seek to take advantage of a weak and divided humanity. For this, humanity is unprepared. For the first time, God is revealing the true nature of this contact and with it the reality and spirituality of life in the universe. This is the greater context for understanding humanity’s evolution and destiny and how God is at work in this world and in all worlds.
  3. The religions of the world are divided and in competition with each other, and even within themselves. Because of this growing competition and conflict, they are weakening the human family and are causing great strife and division at a time when building human unity is of the greatest importance. The New Message teaches that God has initiated all the world’s religions and that they have all been changed by man.
  4. A great inner poverty is felt by people everywhere in countries rich and poor, a disconnection from a sense of greater meaning, relationship and direction in life. People around the world live and suffer with a deep spiritual longing. God has responded to this need and longing by awakening the spiritual power of Knowledge in each person who can respond. Knowledge is our God connection. It will be individuals guided by this Knowledge who will make all the difference in deciding the fate and the future of our world.

As a result of these four crises, God has spoken again to the world with a warning, a blessing and a preparation for all the nations, tribes and religions of humanity.

Our Destiny

The New Message reveals that humanity has a greater destiny as a free and united race in our world and in the Greater Community of life in the universe. Humanity has the power to resolve conflict and restore the environment of the Earth to be its lasting home into the future. Humanity has great spiritual gifts and capabilities that must be protected, brought forth and cultivated worldwide. This is the great opportunity and great necessity before us now.

Yet how can this be done? How can humanity step away from the reckless and disastrous course it is currently on? As Great Waves of environmental, political and economic change threaten the self-interests and personal security of all people, what can inspire and instill a greater motivation and inspiration in the human family?

In the end, it is Knowledge, the deeper spiritual power in all people, that can inspire the actions and motivations necessary for each person to find their higher purpose in life and ultimately for humanity to choose unity and cooperation over competition, division and war.

God has delivered a New Revelation to awaken this spiritual power in all people and inspire a greater vision and ability to build a far better future than our past. Here, God works through individuals from all nations and faith traditions in all situations, working from the inside out.

Great assistance is now being given to the world from God and from the Angelic Assembly, who translate the will of God into human language and understanding. The assistance has come. God has spoken again. There is a new way forward for you and for the whole world.

1/9/17, 8:28 AM

Gud har åter talat till Mänskligheten och om du vill får du vara en av de första att ta till dig Budskapet. Det kommer att ta tid. Det kommer att vara en transformation. Det kommer att göra dig till en större och visare människa kapabel att leva i Den Nya Världen.

Marshall Vian Summers är en Vattuman av årgång 1949.

1/9/17, 8:35 AM

Hur ser en Skeptiker på detta? Läs en proffsskeptikers review:

Marshall Summers has been claiming to be a prophet of some god who sends him messages via what he calls "the Angelic Presence." He says he's been a prophet since 1982 and has written down more than 9,000 pages of the usual spiritual pabulum, updated to fit the times with messages about saving the planet from ecological disaster and invasions of evil aliens in UFOs. In typical vague prophetese, Summers says:

"A Greater Darkness is in the world. It is unlike anything that humanity has ever faced before. Contact has begun, but it is Contact with a dark purpose. In addition, we are facing converging waves of great change—climate change, environmental deterioration, diminishing food and energy resources and the growing threat of conflict and war.

My message has come from the Angels of the Creator who are urgently attempting to enable humanity to recognize this and to prepare for encountering these new realities with wisdom and sobriety. These are the greatest events in human history, but humanity is unprepared."

It seems humanity is always unprepared for what lies ahead, yet it also seems that a good portion of humanity is always prepared to open their hearts and pocketbooks to prophets of doom who claim a connection with something "great and mysterious." Such messages seem to resonate with people who aren't comfortable in this world, which they find overrun with evil and lacking in compassion. We better change our ways or we're doomed. If we change our ways, though, we will be part of great New Age:

"The New Message from God is a genuine communication from the Creator that has come at a time of great change, conflict and upheaval. Received over a 30-year period by the Messenger Marshall Vian Summers, this revelation is not based upon any existing religious tradition or spiritual teaching. The New Message honors the enduring truth in all the great Messages that the Creator has ever given to the world yet it is unlike anything that has been revealed to humanity before. It is a new revelation about the real nature of human spirituality, the great change that is coming to the world and humanity’s future and destiny within a Greater Community of intelligent life in the universe."

Wouldn't you like to be part of this Greater Community? Remember, this is a "genuine" revelation. How do we know that it's genuine? Summers says he knows it because he has no doubts. That might be good enough for him, but shouldn't the rest of us be given some sort of sign that he's not just making up this stuff? Others, he says, will know it's genuine if they just read the messages; they will recognize "the Knowledge" and "know that I am being genuine with you.” What if we won't bother to read the messages because we're pretty confident that Summers is either an outright spiritual fraud or another in a long line of deluded people claiming to get messages from beyond? What if we do read the 9,000 pages and come away convinced that Summers is deranged and just passing on his fantasies mixed in with messages religious people like to hear, especially religious people with deep concerns about UFOs and government conspiracies to keep us in the dark? I guess those of us who are skeptical of Summers's claim that he is a messenger from some god are doomed. Maybe the evil aliens will take us up in some sort of negative rapture or whirlwind. Who knows? But we can be sure we will not be invited to be part of the Greater Community and its bounty of intelligence, wisdom, joy, and all things great and good.

I have been unable to find out anything of interest about Summers's life before he started claiming he was a prophet. One source, Bret Lueder, has posted an undated interview he did with Summers. The only bit of personal biography revealed, though, is that Summers was born on January 28th, 1949; was raised as an Episcopalian in Berkeley, California; and later moved to Colorado.

He says he was just living his life as a spiritual teacher in California as a pioneer of Inner Guidance Training, making music recordings and being a loving husband and father when he was contacted by what he calls the Angelic Presence. He says that he has since moved to Colorado and has written 20 books from this presence with his first book, Steps to Knowledge, being given to him for transcription over a 12-day period in December of ’89. 

The Inner Guidance Training referred to was trademarked by Summers in 1990 and described as some sort of educational service that provides "spiritual instruction and text and manuals used therewith."

The rest of the interview is about the Way of Knowledge ("ancient spiritual teaching that focuses on the greater intelligence that we all possess that resides beneath our analytical and thinking minds") and his book about UFOs and aliens, good and bad. I couldn't think of a better description for this "greater intelligence" than that it lurks beneath our thinking minds. The good aliens are described in the title of his book: Allies of Humanity. The bottom line?

There is an unquestioned belief that the aliens are enlightened beings; that they are here to help us, enhance our genetic makeup, to uplift us, to somehow shepherd us to some kind of higher state. But the Allies say very clearly that this is the deception. 

Is Summers a fraud or deluded? Personally, I lean toward the latter, given the years that he has zealously devoted to writing these messages and spreading his words. What about the possibility that he is genuinely getting messages from some god via some sort of angelic presence? Well, the likelihood that there are any gods or angels is negligible, despite the almost universal superstition regarding spirits and invisible beings, both good and evil. So, the likelihood that the messages Summers gets are from a spirit is on par with the likelihood that James Van Praagh, John Edward, or the thousands of other "spiritual mediums" are getting genuine messages from dead people's spirits.

Will some people find comfort and solace in the messages of Summers? Of course. Some may even find them to be inspiring. Does that mean they were genuine? No. Is the Society for the New Message from God, founded by Summers in 1992, a cult? I don't know, but one sure sign those considering joining Summers should look for is this: are you being encouraged to separate yourself from your family and friends who don't accept the authenticity of the prophet? If you are, run for the exit. Whatever comfort you are given by the charisma, joy, love, caring, and seeming wisdom of Summers or others trying to recruit you, it will not last, it is not genuine, and you will eventually regret the day you gave your mind over to a charlatan.

In any case, I'd be wary of someone who says that everything happens according to some god's will, but many people aren't living according to the plan; so, the god chose me to reveal to the people how to get back on track. Frankly, the revelation shouldn't be necessary if everything happens according to the god's will. I'd also wonder why any god would pick an Episcopalian from Berkeley to be the New Messenger. Did the god pick him at random? Was the choice meant to reveal the god's sense of humor? Do we have to read his messages in reverse to get the real "truth"? Is there a hidden code in the messages that only special people can figure out? In the end, I'm left bewildered and somewhat saddened by contemplating what kind of void Mr. Summers must fill to have followers around the globe.

See also RaëlEdmund TauraiUrantia Book, A Course in Miraclesdoomsday cults, and Sai Baba.

For your viewing edification: Patricia Summers on Walking With the Messenger (She tells us her husband is "stable" and "sane." I'm not so sure about her, though.)

1/9/17, 10:46 AM

Här är länken du alltid kan komma tillbaka till och använda för att se den video du behöver just idag!

1/11/17, 11:18 PM

En av de viktigaste frågorna som Marshall Vian Summers engagerar sig personligen för är frågan om hur världen/mänskligheten skall hantera Den Större Gemenskapen i praktiken dvs hur de stellarer som kommit hit och omger planeten med sina farkoster ska förstås av människan som inte är mogen att möta utomjordingar som troligtvis har sina egna planer för vad de vill med denna vackra planet som om den skulle exploateras av stellarer måste ha människornas assistans därför att stellarer inte är anpassade att leva här på jordens villkor.

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